Tuesday, October 30, 2012

1.0.5 version and the answer of monster damage magnitude

One player said yesterday during the game, he has been excessive damage, it seems the previous day higher. Many players also said they encountered the same problem over the weekend. Lylirra said that in addition to the before the BUG repair, Blizzard did not make any adjustments on the damage.

Original post:

I would like to thank the players describe their gaming experience, as well as the monster after monster strength to start injury issue to our attention. We are very grateful that you let us know these problems affect the game.

However, we have investigated the problem and found that the the monster hurt proportion each monster strength bonus and no changes, they are correct values. These values are listed with this post. For reference, our internal testing environment and the official server have done several tests, everything works fine.

We will continue to monitor this post and you reported at the weekend, and the need to respond to. Please note that if you encountered a bug in the game, go to the BUG reporting Forum released a report so that our quality assurance department investigation.

Original post:

So you want to say that we are all nonsense? I did not visit this forum, but some things have changed. 1.0.2, I started to play, but after I started playing again Blizzard is, as always in this bureaucratic jargon. I will remember next patch to the last and continue. You killed the game for their own greed.

According to our test, the damage has not changed. However, as I said, we will continue to monitor the issues affecting your gaming experience and long posts this weekend.

Original post:

I'll outline it, Blizzard beginning 1.0.5 mistaken damage, so they released an online repair, then 1.0.5a released.

Originally 1.0.5a should fix some BUG. But directly broke the last line repair and return to the state of the early release of 1.0.5.

This is what we tested, we present data analysis that there is no evidence that 1.0.5a "broke" or restoration to the online repair. The online repair adjustment Damage monster damage is currently open monster strength.

We are not saying we are all delusional disorder or different experience report is wrong; we just said (according to our data at hand the) each monster strength level, the monster's damage increase the proportion of correct, until Tuesday so far do not have any change.

So, even if there is no evidence that this is a bug, we will continue to monitor the reporting and feedback of the weekend, and the possible investigation.

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